Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Tell If I Have Ear Cancer?

Οἶδα - λόγος - μύω - μύθος ... and the sense of the study of Greek and Latin

Οἶδα ( oida ) is a greek word. It's the perfect present for a rebuilt * εἲδω (* Eido). The root of the Indo-European * wid οἶδα is giving rise to the lexical field of Latin "video", which derives from one of our "seeing" . When I studied at school
verb polythematic ὁράω (Orao) = I learned that the shape of a perfect οἶδα I mean is "I saw" that "I know". As I write I'm thinking about what, in my opinion, is the sense of studying the languages \u200b\u200bof the classical world. As pointed out to me with my dearest friend, the Greek and Latin I do not care to show off amazing quotes for the listener, and indeed, when the scholar-in-office adorned with his talk of Latin quotations seem to me to see me appear from before the poor Renzo whispers but
who wants it to do its Latinorum?

No, that's why I studied Latin and Greek to me! Moreover
I went to high school when the school Gentile was in fact now in crisis, at a time when the sound library, where he was sure to learn the universal knowledge, was already falling apart, giving way to a teaching - learning fragments more or less shiny and precious. Yet the sign
of those languages \u200b\u200bis my way of being, and searching. Οἶδα "I see and know" . And here is the crux. In the sense of the root * wid that, among other things, also gives rise to word "idea" and all its derivatives. I "I see and know" . It is in the eye the principle of know.
So I got a jolt when I read of the discovery of the important role that assume the mirror neurons in the processes of knowledge. The eyes as a mirror. Mirroring the world's eye empathy. It is a way of knowing immediately. The surrounding world gets in my eyes and I recognize in myself. Then begins the tragic of human destiny: " express", "issue" this knowledge of the lightning glance. There is another word in the Greek language, (known this in its dual meaning): λόγος ( logos) = "thought" and "word" . The tragic fate is in this passage from the blazing light οἶδα "I see and know" the process of λόγος = "thought" and "word" in Latin ratio and pray, according to the translation of Cicero (De Speaker, I, 50). The ratio implies an order almost a conscious distilled of mind which must include oratio-duce what has been seen and known simultaneously. Now, in the sense that for me the knowledge of classical languages, I comes to mind another word that means "see", μύω = "Seeing with the eyes closed," from which derives the word " mystery with all its lexical field. For some time I wonder if I can log in to μύω also μύθος (mythos) = myth, a word of obscure etymology. Μύθος meaning is akin to λόγος, but the " thought" is to "imaginatively - fantastic" and word is "fabulous . As if οἶδα "I see and know," according to the process of mirroring the world in the eye, it would result in immediate μύω = "Seeing with the eyes closed" (in I thought I pretend ), and did ποίησις ( poiesis) of μύθος (Mythos).
Well, this is the see in the dream, seeing the poet , who according to myth is blind in the light of the world of appearances, perhaps because his eyes were blinded by the light of truth once the 'has provided. But the eyes that look in her eyes that night I have owned for a while the meaning of the universe.
The poet then tap to see and know in the dark mystery that only myth can tell .
May the word my feeble whisper a glimpse of this sense!


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