Thursday, July 15, 2010

Us Government Hiding Aliens

el Scheherazade 'State Examination

Scheherazade is a Persian princess who saves all the women of his country merciless hatred of King Shahryar. He, in fact, wounded by the betrayal of the first wife, became prey to an insatiable desire for revenge. Blinded by hatred of women, every day you choose a wife who kills mercilessly the next morning the wedding night. So the kind and wise Scheherazade decides to offer himself to the king, trusting in the possibility of lifting his heart and hate to save it from death all the daughters of Persia. Became the bride of Shahryar, by nightfall, the princess captivates the king with the threads of a wise narrative. At dawn, the story is not over. Then the royal groom decided to postpone the death of Scheherazade to know the ending of the interweaving that has captured. It so happens that the charming narrator curls at night in a night following endless stories, thanks to which his death is postponed for "Arabian Nights", until the king, saving recovered from those lips, gives Shehrazde forever love and life.
The story that I narrated in brief is the frame work world's most famous fairy-tale, The Thousand and One Nights . Since its structure and its meaning ( saving the charm of the story ) were inspired by many writers, even, probably, our Giovanni Boccaccio in the composition of the Decameron.
seems to me that the universal sense of the emblematic labyrinth of stories from the Thousand and One Nights is in the representation of life tending to the human knowledge through listening to the words of a lover narrator. The etymology of the word " tell, moreover, sheds light on the cognitive function of art of the story. The word derives from the fact Latin gnarus "=" knowledgeable, experienced ", adjective, in turn, generated from the verb " Gnosca / Nosco "= know. Similarly if we consider the term " history", he found a sense nell'etimo greek ἱστορία (Historia) by ἵστωρ (Historia) = "who knows ", reconnect to οἶδα (oida) = "I know for having seen it."
Scheherazade is then fitted with a wise word that "history" life with the magic of storytelling. " She is the one that moves carrying the king in the midst of life, causing him to know in the plots of countless stories. One who listens and takes experience of the world learns to know himself. The word wise appointment of Scheherazade "objects" of the life and soul them with the magic of evocation of the night confused and unaware of the consciousness of an "inexperienced child" who is struggling in the instincts and passions blind and savage beast primordial .
The art of storytelling is therefore the first "school" knowledge. Scheherazade is a master of symbolic knowledge.
Poor Scheherazade happen if suddenly in the midst of a State Exam! had to listen to the ringing of empty words when reeling in vain to find a way! We would ask anyone who has ever reduced its stories alive in silly fragments of so-called "concept maps ! listen in horror and disbelief lucubrate tabulated proposals' evaluation grids "born out of learned and bombastic supporters of short stories "magnificent and progressive"! It could not be caught in any way by listening to some nice "story" painted on the faces before her youth, but it would be forced to pigeonholed calculations of the numbers in a table on which several pairs of eyes pinned to the control over and below which total or not they are attributable to the points of the "bonus"! It would seem to be in poor Scheherazade of a bazaar to haggle for trinkets picked up on mismatched and worn out and piled in bulk from a merchant rude and uncaring and ignorant of the variety and value of the subject.
amazed by the universe of human history and their questions pursue the truth no longer matters to anyone in that rite that is useless the State Examination, obvious culmination of a school impoverished and debased not only by the "reforms" to inform legislators ignorant and subservient to the power of one ' inequitable economy run by snake oil salesmen by hucksters ready to dupe the masses like trained monkeys in a circus of the lowest order!
whole school rose on the bandwagon of this sad circus ! And the show is held under a tent badly patched and directed most of the time of awkward tamers, jugglers and magicians from of illusory appearance ! The circus artists are reduced to "human resources " ready to sell out freedom their creativity wise the calculations of the budget, grids, reporting to monitor, the standard that appears to stick some "quality stamp" approved on the basis of an incomprehensible statistical abstract figures!
Then, taking the final question of his friend Pino in his latest post, "moving cars without drivers ", read on in- , I wonder, "why" in school " we have to be "Guided" by a staff so inadequate in the face of possible challenges and also the promises of our time? "
So just make a wish . What spread again as soon as word of the wise Scheherazade inspired by and sacrifice by 'ethical ' light 'of the love!


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