Friday, October 22, 2010

Legalizing The Sale Of Human Organs Pros And Cons

Descrizione ufficiale 10x08 Abbandoned

Teri Hatcher APPEARS AS GUEST STAR IN CLOTH OF ELLA LANE; DC COMICS CHARACTERS OF GRANNY Goodness (CHRISTINE Willes) and Harriet (GUEST STAR LINDSAY HARTLEY) APPEAR - Lois is a video shot for her by her mother, Ella Lane (Hatcher), before his death. After seeing him, Lois takes a drastic decision as to her relationship with Clark that the door to the Fortress, where he comes face to face with Jor-El and Lara. Meanwhile, Tess has a nightmare about her as a child and a carillon. After waking up, is the carillon in the castle of Luthor and aims to find out who put him there. Clark accompanies an orphanage run by Granny Goodness (guest star Christine Willes) who may not have the best intentions in mind for girls. One of the young girls who live there, Harriet (guest star Hartley), Clark discovers that curious around and decides to take the matter into his hands very sharp.


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