Thursday, February 10, 2011

Irish Good Night Sayings

SanVito Blues & Soul Festival 2011 - X edition

SanVito Blues & Soul Festival an increasingly important
Continue the integration project in the territory of the event, from this edition, X, Cibiana, Vodo Borca di Cadore and will be part of the project.
SanVito The Blues & Soul Festival, which takes place between the first and second weekend of July in San Vito di Cadore, Belluno in the Dolomites, has come to X edition and to celebrate worthily
this goal, which will be at the same time a new point of departure, the project of integration with the territory is an important step forward, involving the municipalities of
Cibiana, Vodo and again Borca di Cadore.
will start Friday, July 1 with the opening of the exhibition to Cibiana di Cadore, Saturday will be the second time Vodo di Cadore, a short break and resumed on Thursday the 7th in Borca di Cadore, evenings
end, as usual, in San Vito di Cadore Friday 8 and Saturday, July 9. From this edition, the festival will be "Music & Tipical Food" means any musical event will be twinned with a
typical dishes of the area, creating a music-food combination which is always a winner.
As with previous editions the event will be enriched by events, Art A long conversation, now in its third edition, is an exhibition of contemporary art and a container
of artistic and cultural events, Sunday 10, the tenth edition will be closed with vinyl, exhibition of records and wine tasting.
Another step forward for an event year after year has been able, through a labor of love always grow up to become an important reference point
in the panorama of events dedicated to the African-American music. Very important too promotional for the entire territory, not least as attractive tourism.
an event point of our territory, which certainly has the credentials, continuing this trend of growth to become an event which will echo far beyond the
Dolomites, home of the event. The association
SanVito San Vito Blues and Soul, which organized the event, thanked all municipalities that have believed in the quality and validity of this project, which will lead to important
goals, not least the cooperation between neighboring municipalities as a prerequisite for building the future of our country. What we hope one day can make the policy, while the
has made the music.
The full program will be available, when ready, the site of

SanVito Blues & Soul AssociazioneCulturale
Italy Corso 49 / a - 32046 San Vito di Cadore BL - tel 329.8949803
facebook: Blues & Soul SanVito cultural association

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