Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Do You Get The Motorcycle On Poptropica

The human voice: subsidence and elevation

The harmonics of the human voice is the sound of silence the authentic communication.

... This is the peaceful
breaks the west, the mountains;
Sgombrasi campaign,
It seems clear in the river valley. (G. Leopardi, The calm after the storm ).

Read these verses and stop on voice, making sure to burned, or the positions which the accent falls on the strong rhythm.

... eo the EEO
OE to Oee aa oaa;
oai to AAA, and Iao
and pe aae IUE

Importantly, the prevalence of voice open from gravely . Resounds "to" sixteen times , Eleven and "e".

Few vowels sounding dull: seven times "or" , only twice in burned in " breaks" and " sgómbrasi ", where, however, have the effect of a stroke on a drum, as if to announce an extraordinary event .

A only once the "u" , and most importantly in the slide of the diphthong FIU-me that comes forward in the "clearing " slow, open and majestic - " aae - of "appears".

Five times the vowel "i ", and these times for two form a diphthong : - iA (clear)-IU (river) . In these diphthongs resonate burned in the "on" and "u" . It is easy now

hear in these verses a "wide" celebration, a "song being" which cancels the boundary between the inner self and the outside world, between the desire for life and the explosion of life in 'universe.

The word poetry is a sound that breaks through the thick clouds, and give its light.

Yet I sense that the sound of human voice is always a "song of being."

is why I read passionately "The song being " by Serge Wilfart Editions Servitium.
"Born in a Belgian village, "Serge Wilfart spent his childhood in his father's factory for springs," surrounded by spring dall'avvolgersi infinite spirit. " On the death of his father was struck by the revelation of the "Wagnerian voice" of his mother: "[...] the day of the funeral my mother cried out, only one - the long-stifled cry of an animal." After attending several schools, Serge arrived at the academy to learn the singing . It was through that experience that he conceived the idea that the authentic voice of the men as both blocked and distorted, inhibited by "a communication system purely cerebral . Following this conviction, Serge Wilfart, has abandoned the business of the poet to dedicate himself to teaching. Today he has become "a professor of voice [...] a kind of violin that reconstructs both the instrument and the musician." In fact, throughout his writing Wilfart argues that, to recover the authentic voice, "singing of being", we must take the path that penetrates the interior, until it reaches the depth from which emanates the sound of the personal visceral . Therefore, "the professor of voice" repeatedly stresses the need to recover the ability to probe the serious sounds of "a" especially and "e", because the prevalence of acute and high emissions of "i" shows the oppression of cages imposed by an education essentially brain, which prevents the ego to communicate with its center of gravity, and express the fullness of being.
must descend into the bowels, and from there back to rise upright between heaven and earth.
"mired in the" on "and tend to the elevation of the" i ".

Slowly I crossed the plot of the book" The song of being. "From immersion in the words of this book echoes the depth of human voice. Again low agreements they made me vibrate like a tremor before the abyss. Therefore, this dive is vibrated by hunch, a plunge in the sound itself, a longing to fall in the depth at which the sound emerges free and spreads indefinitely.

In the deep end, with the heavy thud of a body of serious sinking in the unfathomable depths of the sea: " and sweet to shipwreck in this sea " (G. Leopardi. The Infinite ).

And then another serious subsidence resonates: "represent transhumanise in words / could not be told " (Dante, Paradiso , I vv.70-71).
"transhumanize be signified in words " is a sink in themselves dragged from the serious tone of the five "to" , of \u200b\u200bwhich two are burned.
Listen again:
" could not be told" is a back with the sharp crystalline "i" in a tense hiatus.
Well, this is the sound man erect in full communication between earth and sky.


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