Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can You Get School Sores Twice

on "disdain" (from Castiglione to Baldesar Cristina Campo)

There is anxious for more in life to pursue several objectives. Ghosts of a fleeting happiness, that rob us of life. Then it happens sometimes to run into someone who points a "way of being" made in itself, consisting of a fleeting lightness, a "grace" negligent, simple and noble past. An obsolete word expresses well this rare virtue: "disdain". The sound of the word is hard and the feeling is strong and associated with "contempt". But if they study history, discover that the "disdain" means the supreme quality of the "Courier" of Baldesar Castiglione, the sixteenth-century writer from Mantua in his treatise that drew the figure of the perfect courtier. The "disdain" is the "grace" without "affectation" that emanates from a human being (Baldesar Castiglione, The Courtier , I, 26). One who has is complete in itself and life flight.

The "disdain" is a " be full of emptiness", and so mild. The slight fullness

is the quality of prose Cristina Campo, (Bologna 1924-Rome 1977). When I read "The unforgivable" I can not stop. Flight. The density of thought is a breath of relief that "raises." He does not ask to be understood this scripture, calls the 'inspiration'. The words penetrate like the air in the lungs and release the player in a region more clear and light.
The chapter entitled "With minor hands" (Cristina Campo, The unforgivable , Adelphi, p. 97) is devoted to the "disdain". The sentences do not describe, but instill drops of grace, sounds and symbolic images. "Facilement, facilement is the dominant melody of the text. It's the same melody with which Chopin called on students to lay hands on the keyboard of the harpsichord, with grace loose, almost careless. E "facilement facilement" Cristina's voice resonates from his writing, "chart" of his heart fibrillating. "Facilement, facilement" and "with a light heart, with little hands / take life, life to leave ..." (Hofmannsthal).
The "disdain" Cristina is even "easier" than Baldesar Castiglione, who can not go too insistent aestheticism. Cristina "before anything else nonchalance is in fact a lively, kind impenetrability others' violence and meanness, impassive acceptance, an obvious indifference to the death ... ... the beauty, first of all, before the interior visible, the great spirit that is the root and the happy mood. "

" Grace "rare nonchalance! But exercise can focus on collecting and penetrating into every "Dead Poets Society."
reading "With minor hands of Serbia, also icon I loved so much when I was a teenager . This is a picture of man - elf, leading actor of great adventures and gallant GĂ©rard Philipe. Slender, with a tuft on the look negligent smiling in gentle challenge, a sign of his "disdain", as Christine, Gerard flight life in a dream.


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