Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank U Message To Uncle For Wedding


BACK October 6, 2010 the weekly appointment with theater relational
way to the second year together!
book free trial lesson by writing to info.teatrorelazionale @

Party full of good intentions, the laboratory led by Francesca Valerio Malorni and Blacks
Macchiaverna this year to enrich 'the collaboration of Anna Rauscher, a psychologist, expert in arts therapies
psychophysiological approach.

Will the course is to emerge in each of the craftsman himself. Produce materials
scenic staff.

Investigating the time intimate encounter between people, in order to find the space in which to relate
through the expression of their own possibilities and needs, desires and regrets.
Glorify the man who does not repent of himself, but it is questioned, in the here and now, playing
their humanity. We search for the communication where the effectiveness of contact and understanding
, partial or total, is able to afford a smile.

The course will be 'led by
Valerio Malorni, Francesca Blacks Macchiaverna
actor, dancer
collaboration with
Anna Rauscher, a psychologist, artstherapies oriented psychophysiological
The course is for a minimum of six and a maximum of 12 students, from October to June, two hours a week. Cost: € 45,
EVERY WEDNESDAY 18:30 to 20:30 Teatro Furio Camillo Roma


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