Sunday, August 1, 2010

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"The Aspern Papers": a book about life and art, "Sister Elisa

Sometimes bathed in a continuous reading we roam in chiaroscuro jolt of conscience and soul in torment. Assume painfully penetrating gaze of some real character and great together, learn how to be unpredictable and elusive creatures human life. If you so, we are certainly reading a book written with his eyes immediately. Henry James is an author capable of this. His style has mobility of the eye. The Act is to observe the inside and outside of us hit by a convulsive sensitivity. From the serene and pleasant atmosphere of an English estate surrounded by green dewy grass and flowers of a Henry James is able to transport us in the shadow of an ancient Roman palace pale or perfection in the Renaissance, but filled with the scent of antiques, a villa in the sun on a hill in Florence. Imbued with a pungent bitterness I browse the daisy existence in "Portrait of a Lady " struck at the heart forever by Ralph, blond, tall, slender, smiling coldly dark shadow of death, threatening his tireless companion, but deep passionate, madly in love with his cousin Isabel and work of art that could be his life. That life that finally fixed in a tragic portrait of a Lady. "
After the long and famous "Portrait of a Lady," the American writer, in love with Europe and Italy, wrote a novel , very short but intense and full of "sense": "The Aspern Papers" . The title contains the object of a real "quĂȘte" or spasmodic of "research" of the correspondence of the love of an imaginary poet who died young. James fact invented the story of a "literary" American fanatical admirer of his fellow Romantic poet Jeffrey Aspern, "big name of the century," the nineteenth century, "when the century was still young." Aspern of the anonymous scholar, having rebuilt his life and loves, he finds that the most important muse of his song is still alive and lives in Venice, where he arrived girl from America.
the first pages of the story we find ourselves right on a canal in Venice. From a gondola to take the point of view of the "seeker" surprise waiting in front of an "old gray and pink palace, not particularly old and from the air" not so much of decay as of quiet resignation. " We now know that in this "melancholy" house lives, along with his niece Tina, the now decrepit Bordereau Miss Juliana, the flame of the dead poet Jeffrey Aspern estimatissimo . The anonymous "writer", a "rogue pennaiolo" apostroferĂ  as Juliana in a masterful scene climax, hatches a diabolical plan to break into the palace of memory and take advantage of a symbolic garden bloomed unexpectedly in the middle the lagoon. The "pennaiolo" even gives you a false name, which in truth is the only one who is allowed to know. He burning curiosity about the past of its poet. It is devoured by the desire to get hold of the letters written by Jeffrey to Juliana and she kept in the ancient and shadowy mansion. lives only for those cards, "the pennaiolo rogue. Burning with fever to shed light on the past dell'ammiratissimo Aspern and tell with his art. So he makes no scruple in weaving a web of deceit . Without conscience bites uses Miss Tina, his niece dried in the shade of the ancient palace of the past glory of his aunt. The three characters

draw a triangle in which love takes on different meaning.

At a summit is the decrepit Juliana veil that hides a brilliant green eyes in a distant time that stunned the "divine" Jeffry Aspern. Juliana is the fallen symbol of a past love , sealed in a mysterious ghost correspondence jealously guarded as the only witness to the sublime poetry that she herself inspired.
the opposite corner is the anonymous "pennaiolo" ardent love of a cold, the "antiques" of the biographer, critic whose art is inspired by the life and the work of others without any mercy. The top panel is
Miss Tina, the only creature alive and true, although it faded monsters without ever blossomed in the shadow where he relegated the splendid isolation of her aunt.
Beyond the resigned look withered and awkward demeanor, Miss Tina has an incredible freshness, of unknown authenticity, of a noble dignity and, above all, a surprising vitality. With the arrival of the scholar in the big sleeping house Tina awakens.
Mite, naive and sentimental, but with an unpredictable sense of reality, Miss Tina seems to me the real muse of James. In the fiction novel
Miss Tina represents the unpredictability of a real existence beyond the establishment of the artwork and diagrams of the rigid role play of life.
still able to dream and wonder while sitting at a table at Florian with the man who has awakened from the lethargy of his home, Tina loves while providing free with looks eloquent clues to the discovery of the mysterious "Aspern Papers ". Tina is the only living creature this . His heart beats really. She is the guardian of withering generous aunt, survived by his mummified quell'Euridice Orpheus. Dall'Ade which is locked Miss Tina, returned to life, hopes to go out with the love of the novel Orpheus landed there.
But the anonymous writer, stand-problematically emblematic of the same James, is following his past . He is eager for what passed as a matter of his art.
It seems, then, that James's story brings us face to tragic attempt to give meaning to life through the ghosts of the mind . And Tina is to make the ghosts disappear . She is the fact that burning one by one the pages of " Aspern Papers" and shows how the world is made up of real creatures unpredictable. In conclusion
of Tina story is awakened, rejuvenated and beautified . Gently she reveals his act incredulous and appalled "pennaiolo" condemned for the rest of his life mourning the loss of fetishistic "Aspern Papers."


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