Sunday, August 22, 2010

How To Be Not Awkward Around The Guy I Like

Geometry of Beauty

occasionally happens to come to places never seen before welcoming us as if they were the most familiar to us. Are spaces defined yet imbued with an aura of eternal life rarefied . There, bathed in the silence speaks clear words from a close friend. They are places which seem to have accepted nearly colorless and confused all colors in every shade possible. In them rests the dust of time as eternity. It is beautiful the dust of the earth! In every speck of the infinite past history is waiting for grain to be brothers.
I found myself recently in a place like this. is a terrace that man has just touched in nature. On the side of a cliff of evergreen forest. A gray brick floor surrounded by an iron railing is framed by four pines. Between the windows of the pines, as well the railing, the plain stretches designed by a multi-faceted network of quadrilaterals harmoniously shaded in warm tones of yellow calm of golden brown, green, modest . Besides the geometry of the fields we see a blue curve , sea or lake is not difficult to say. On the horizon the plain is bordered by the curve of the sky , rarer sight to behold, because often the eyes are raised to heaven.
Suspended on this terrace there is no need to look up to see the sky. The ethereal sphere surrounding the terrace and the drawing of the fields and wooded cliff and the curve of blue, sea or lake down there. A micro beating in silence! I've always loved

places that seem designed by the hand of a skilful surveyor!

geometry does not exclude the vast boundless. The purity of the forms are strictly defined and the music of the symmetries alluded to as an infinite unattainable perfection.
is why perhaps I am attracted Piero della Francesca, the painter of metaphysical geometries of nature and history. The lines of Piero regular polygon and perfect circles in the spaces and bodies, supporting a look capable of precision of the line and the compass . Even the color spreads, decided, in accordance corresponding studies and stubbornly pursued . The result is a harmony accomplished by a will that follows the rational path of perfection and spreads a soothing music, geometric too. You follow the rhythms of quadrilaterals and triangles of a sudden bend in the gentle curves of the sinuous lines of a body or in a halo of perfect circularity.
I would have been for hours in the tiny, bare room Monterchi where the fresco was placed the "Madonna del Parto" , humane slight bulge in the back on his back, his left arm bent to support the side and the right hand gently resting on her lap, at the point where the overcoat blue and loose and form a diamond oblong, almost a tear light on the mystery of motherhood. The body has the fresh and simple majesty of a young commoner. Appear as two children of the people even the angels side, in perfect symmetry of alternating colors and shapes that support the open curtain on a stage essential. The scene represents a
maternity consecrated by the geometry of Piero , simple and surreal at the same time. The face of the mother is perfectly pure oval outlined in a metaphysical composure that nothing away from the sentiment of women.
Piero shines in the design of the sweet geometry of the Tuscan landscape, the same that my eyes have internalized the magical terrace, one of many in the land of Piero.
curves of the hills, the poset and gently polychromatic fields, cypress trees of the triangles pointing to the sky are transformed into perfect shapes of the tales of the painter of Sansepolcro.
The fresco of "Madonna del Parto" is painted with the colors of views family.
The bottom of the scene is inspired by some of the brick walls of the landscape of Arezzo. However, the green tunic of one of the two wings of angels and the other as the ' the blue robe of the Madonna and diaphanous pink faces, but draws the colors of that landscape, emit a light that actually break free from the volumes of bodies permeated by a transparency that makes them almost insubstantial.
A terrace overlooking the plain, as if suspended in the sky, and a fresco by Piero, specchiatisi eyes, you are in time, transfusing the senses and the heart the essence of a peaceful, simple, refreshing beauty .


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