Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Much Diazepam Should I Take For Dental Phobia

Sounds and "meaning" of September.

In the sounds of ringing the month names "meaning". Ends August
exhausted in the double "o".
of three "and" charming struts September.
Tremble his fingers through his vines
and discover gold and sparkling jewels.
something In the air again shines.
Prepare a rebirth
even if it is spring.
The coolness refreshes the parts
Weakened by the heat wave of summer heat.
trembles in the heart September, and hopes
hopes mature in autumn.

It's time to resume the journey with renewed vigor.
The mania is hardly going to put down, because

September heralds a new season of fruit scented. Under rainy
prepares the ground for a new fertilization.
tireless life throbs in the turf.
There is no season that does not quiver of love and life!

September is restless. Pensive. Meditate to escape from the return to "business use" and wakes up from summer slumber.

What will the Italians in this September load of expectations coming back! linger in gossipy chatter on disputes between doctors, the hostess of Gaddafi, or on other information "relevant" media, depleting their energy and heartfelt convictions repeated moralistic? O, "claiming themselves to themselves," transform the energy projects beautiful and trusting in their good will inalienable?

the schools reopen in September. What are they teachers? folded quietly fell asleep to the "diktat" of a foolish policy and once again deliver inert bureaucracy, or with clear voice and clear authority claim, educational and cultural excited to begin a journey of shared experiences, the light of an awakened civic consciousness? They will think to take refuge in the privilege dell'orticello conquered, or will open to the problems of those who lost or will lose their jobs, whose heartfelt look at the future? will become aware of the fact that the positive transformation of this critical historical moment requires the commitment of their students, their example inspired by the cultural values \u200b\u200bof human solidarity and civil? will be so far-sighted to understand that a more just society, a cleaner and more livable world for all of them also depend on the make, participate, share?
I think the teachers' colleges forthcoming September 1 will outline the fate the school and the contribution of this culture of Italy in the near future. I do not know what you read in the faces of the teachers tomorrow. How would enter the classroom meeting. As they said goodbye. It will be a swarm discontent? Disenchanted? Worried? Prone? It will be a rustle of summer dresses that enhance the tanning ladies and a gentle and polite nod of Lords distracted by other concerns? A babble of greetings between the sighs of regret for the short time of the holiday? Or will convene a gathering of men and women watch and participate in the discussion, keen to devote himself to study and research and to claim space and time to share ideas and free projects?
Who knows? perhaps in teachers' colleges of Sept. 1 instead of wary glances at the times accompanied by heartfelt and plaintive requests, rests finally looks confident proposals and listen to the wise, innovative ideas, projects of solidarity, free thoughts of educators who are free proud to have among their ancestors and cultural Cesare Beccaria Vincenzo Cuoco. If that happens, will be the beginning of September of a hope. And not just for school .


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