Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is Cream Of Tartar Rffevtive For Weightloss

"I feed on that food solum is mine and that I was born for" the Land of the free

"That evening, I return home and enter my study; et up the door I take off the garment, the Mayan, muddy lotus et et et I wear real clothes curial ; et coated condecentemente enter the ancient courts of ancient men, where they lovingly received, I feed on that food solum is mine and that I was born for, where I am not ashamed to speak with them, et ask them the reason of their action : and they in their humanità answer me: and I feel for four hours to any trouble, sdimenticho every trouble, I do not fear poverty, death does not dismay me: I done all their transfers. " With this image

Machiavelli, writing to his friend Francesco Vettori, 10 December 1513, concludes the story of an exile in his day on the farm dell'Albergaccio at Sant'Andrea in Percussina, a town between Florence and San Casciano in Val di Pesa. When I was a high school student was struck by the expressive power of this step, which Mario Selleri, the teacher who, in those fertile years, I drove along the paths of poetry, read it and said in a voice vibrant and bright eyes. In the passage, Nicholas rises and turns. Strides in its library to the solemn beat of a syntax that supports the surge of the heart. It is sacred statuary and while wearing "real clothes and courtly." It stands out in that austere and very human need for love that the "ancient men" to provide with food of the word, which feeds the man living memory and makes it a "mediation living." I wonder if we still capable of such a boost! No, not an upward momentum in the illusion of an unlikely ecstasy. But a long trail that slides in the center of themselves, where the word alive the memory of pure humanity. There is layered man's voice that echoes of eternal truth. It is the ἀλήθεια undisclosed, hidden, but visible in the moment of rediscovery. is the time for dialogue that intimacy is established between 'man and the living memory of the written word, through a living text.

In step I transcribed the metaphor of the book we read living which is engraved the letters of fire of millennial studies. It is the memory that is nutritious human hunger for truth.

More than ever, today we feel the need to "feed" of the words of ancient men "that awaken our humanity!

In dialogue with the "big diggers" perhaps we can say, "sdimenticho every trouble, I do not fear poverty, death does not dismay me."


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