Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Milena Velba Vs Nadine Janssen

I Listen to mediate the Council, then they are listening in mediation

was introduced in Italy in a systematic way only since the 90s, although it is a practice already widespread and well-established in other parts of the world.
In reality, the solution "mediated" conflict is an ancient practice, of which there are traces from the Sumerian civilization.
would then be to say that the propensity of mediation lies in the deeper nature of human beings.
Hence the view that if the reconciliation struggling to be adopted as common practice the reasons for this were rather a cultural mechanisms.
Coming to osmosis from the Anglo-Saxon countries, notoriously pragmatic approach and this method of management, even before a solution of the conflicts has been on a collision course with the mentality that dominates the West.
For centuries, in fact, have breathed a culture of "adversarial," that is founded on being adversaries, on having to choose between one or the other, the need to establish right and wrong by taking positions and reasoning for exclusion .
This, inevitably, has brought our society to seek solutions to disputes in the courts, ie in places where a judge determines, accordance with the law, who is right and who was wrong.
Hence the courts clogged with cases and the resulting time exhausting litigation settlement.
From these findings led to two different considerations: first, the lengthening of time of solution often leads to further problems in economic and emotional terms, parts that already are in some way, affected by the conflict in which found. Secondly, the solutions often are not perceived as such, in the sense that if someone at the end of the process will have "won" the case will inevitably other things, the "lost".

Reconciliation is the real attempt to go beyond the logic dell'avversarietà to promote the alliance, to the friendly and shared. E 'a reversal of the paradigm which first must take place within those who choose to take this path to become the mediator.

The very process of reconciliation requires this paradigm shift, because it is the mediator and its ability to be a positive influence on the outcome of that place.
relational skills of the mediator, in fact, play a role as the approach, to continue the management and resolution of the conflict to end in front of where it is.
Before I be a path to acquire the techniques, the choice to embrace this role involves a personal journey, where it is necessary first to admit and recognize that education and culture in which you are bound to have lived Product prejudices and stereotypes. A good broker is one who comes to look on, and then changing, something that is accustomed to thinking of as absolute. The ideal is to be strong enough not to get attached to our opinions and overcome the fear of the unexpected.

Occorre essere capaci di  accettare, riconoscere pari dignità alle persone rinunciando alle presunte certezze e verità assolute in favore della relazione.
Pur rimanendo “equidistante” - o meglio “equivicino” - ai suoi interlocutori, il conciliatore sa accoglierli così come sono, ascoltarli e capire il loro mondo, comprendere il loro punto di vista non filtrandolo attraverso il suo.

Questo atteggiamento di apertura è base e fondamento di tutto il processo e su di esso si baseranno la fiducia che saprà conquistarsi e l’autorevolezza con cui guiderà stakeholders along the road that will lead them to find a satisfactory agreement and shared.
this opening will be based on the choices you make along the way, how will gather the information they need to pick up the broken threads of dysfunctional communication between speakers, each time choosing the most appropriate .
E 'on this type of arrangement of' be that unravels the do in the management of conflict, from the initial handshake of the parties with the conciliator in the final one between the interlocutors them.

A. Bruni - Reconciling agrees - Publisher Maggs - 2007
P. De Sario - Profession facilitator - Franco Angeli - 2005
Harris, T. - I'm OK - You're OK - BUR 1987


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