Friday, December 10, 2010

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Modica, Saturday, December 18 Giuliana Sgrena says the return to life of the new Iraq

Saturday, December 18 Giuliana Sgrena says the return to life of the new Iraq

18 At the Hotel Principe d'Aragona Modica (RG) the sending of the Manifesto will talk about his latest book, "The Return. Inside the new Iraq", published by Feltrinelli.

Modica (RG) - Saturday, December 18 at 18 in the conference room of the Hotel Principe d'Aragona (Corso Umberto I, No. 281) will host the presentation of the book "The Return , Inside the new Iraq "Giuliana Sgrena, published by Feltrinelli.

The writer and journalist of the" Manifesto "dialogue with the Angel of Christmas RAI journalist and the editor of monthly magazine" The Clandestine "Francesco Ruta .

Speakers Antonio Calabrese, national coordinator of the circle of freedom of Modica Left ecology, and Enzo Cilia, a member of the regional coordination of the Left ecology freedom. The actor Enzo Ruta read excerpts from the book.

In his new book sent to the Manifesto speaks of Iraq today and yesterday.'s been five years since the journalist was kidnapped, held hostage for a month, and eventually released. A story, her, saddened by the tragic death of Sismi agent Nicola Calipari, killed by fire "friend" in an American check-point on the road to the airport, while she was rescued.

Recently, the journalist returned to Iraq, finding a country that wants to return to normal. Some problems have emerged. The attacks are on the agenda. The political class is still immature and corrupt. In Baghdad, the supply of water and electricity is intermittent. Medicines are scarce. Social services are non-existent. The displaced people are over a million and a half. Still, the Iraqis rebuild restaurants. Reopen the venues and museums. There are art shows and political debates. Women gain more autonomy and a new social presence.

The book is a photograph of a people, a country that is slowly starting to live.

The event is organized by the provincial coordination and the circle of freedom Modica Left ecology.

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