Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gpsphone Saphir Cheat Datei

wait ... ... knitting patterns of memories and hopes

But are we really sure that the world the school is unhappy with the Reform and Gelmini tremontiani cuts?
Just a year ago I found myself repeatedly strike against the reorganization (disturbances) of high school curricula. Decembrina at a rally in Rome, with a few hundred "desperate" like me, took off in a melancholy procession to Piazza del Popolo. The square was flooded with sunlight. There I was wandering in solitude, and even a little lost in thought, because had not helped all that way to my battered legs. The amplified megaphones oratory of the rally from the usual heartfelt tones. The words rang false. I looked around, distracted faces, haggard knots of talk. I hurt my left leg. I decided to go back to the station. I did not want to sink into the meter. I forwarded the information by way of the Baboon. Next to me a blonde lady walking at a brisk pace. I asked the shortest way to Termini. "We travel the same road," he said smiling. I held back trying not to limp. The suffering was rewarded by the exchange of mankind between free women and present themselves with a common passion for teaching. We parted with mutual Square Esedra promise to be "interconnected". The lady called Joan and now is one of my Facebook friends. With the event ended an era for the school and in my opinion, also for ways of expressing dissent. Since then I have taken note that you must start from somewhere else.
Many teachers, perhaps too many, but also many intellectuals, professionals, graduates, do not have the combined social advancement through the degree, with profound human and civic culture. This is why I believe that most remained inert in front of blows to the school by the Reform Gelmini - Tremonti, in particular to the humanities. There and then I got angry. I was angry with colleagues circumvented. I voted, colleges, teachers, against the proposed projects because, in my opinion, are processed according to the distribution of funds and not for the education and training of young students. The result? A very lonely! But the fact that pay me back in the net I found many companions on a journey of thought. It satisfies me the feeling of being a woman who has never neglected the task manually.
I feel wonderful "cure" at a time the mind and the hand and heart.
These days I do the sock . What a surprise! two irons, a wire and agility of both hands! But not enough! Is active imaginative mind warmed by the joy of the heart , While the wire becomes prodigiously plot to take shape. Meanwhile flying wires of thought led by the heart. Retrace Lost Plots. Telescoping mesh memory to the rhythm of the ticking of the irons that unravel and weave the ball.
In this time of the memory is still the teacher guiding the storyline Ada. She, the storyteller, first taught me to weave the thread and stitch the plot. The morning of Saturday, in fact, classrooms become laboratories. All the teachers did their utmost to teach school pupils and the wonderful art of hand. They knew that some manual work is associated with the intellectual, for the sheer joy of being human and the good common. Unknowingly then learned that human dignity is in its unity and respect for everything he does man.
- "I knit, therefore I am" -
me is correct. Because while fascinates the colored wire, held the threads of thought and the stories unfold. is the time to reconstruct this mortifying dualism. This is the time to understand that man's education must be integrated and complex. It is not only reconcile the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific culture, (and against the sacrosanct reconstruction was launched Gelmini reform of school curricula), but to eliminate the difference in value that we attach to work, and, prior to meditate on the idea of \u200b\u200bculture and knowledge.
To avoid the decline and regression to barbarism, our society must ask, for all, more knowledge in each subject area, more cultural activities in every field of human art. I say "work" so much as the enjoyment of the exercise "contribute actively" to the growth of good people, good citizens that potential self-interest not to separate from that of the community. The enjoyment and exercise of the "fine arts" are essential human education. Inspiration is a divine gift, the excitement of life itself. Can I have houses, money, treasure chests full of precious power and graduate qualifications, but if I do not have the enthusiasm, it's my life miserable!
I believe that educators need to feel powerful enthusiasm, and be witnesses to an integrated culture of the mind and hand. The expansion of access to the school mainly occurred in the sixties is a value which we must be proud. Thanks to the reforms many children of the proletariat have made the transition class. Back can not and should not be coming back. Today we have to take steps forward. Each of us must engage in a project in which culture gets the maximum value, the only acceptable means the integrated growth of body, mind and heart, so that achieve the goal of justice and the well-being of all people. Therefore it is essential
want at all costs a public school of the highest level. We can not endorse a political project that promotes private schools for the elite class of rulers from the white-collar and impoverishes those public funds dedicated to a mass of forced laborers.
not follow the school project company in which the "customers" are trained according to market demand! We study, and work to imagine a school that educates educated men and free, high of mind and heart, they are masters of themselves and do not despise any work, not to despise or never themselves or their fellows! Men such
cultivate in our hearts the seeds of justice and peace and love always freedom.

keep knitting satisfied. Memory plays
other wires. Other faces of a distant peep. Still, those happy childhood classrooms, the teacher smiles at me Barbagli, sitting at the piano as we head in hand, after having taught "Adeste, fideles, laeti triumphantes ...".
Spin the graceful mistress Amber Gragg, who guided us in his essays on artistic gymnastics and action on stage.
Meanwhile, there she was my teacher of "plots"! Hats
Ada is reading me a story e. .. Suddenly, down the book, I nod, pleased with my knitting.


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