Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thick Dark Brown Faeces

The snowdrops and mirror neurons

Have you ever played "if it were a flower?"
is thought to metaphor, picking up a child in the meadows and gardens, from simple to more sophisticated, the quality of a human being. We played together with the comrades of his youth. Me, I represented in violet. The beauty is that the almond is my favorite flower. As a child I made up a dialogue between this flower and a stream on the banks of which was checked.
peeps shy violet long before the riot of spring.
and old and laughs with his little heart of sun through the green heart of dark leaves. In a March
away, I pulled my hand for the great and austere father tenderly, as to accompany me down the slope to the wetlands dell'Ombrone shores in search of violets. In scenarios
beloved of my stories that I had learned along the water courses sprouting in abundance violets.
not told me anything, but it certainly paid off by my dad cheering clapping when I saw the first violets. That day I came home taken by the enchantment of the bouquet which I had composed.

My childhood is a flowery meadow. The memories of that time are forms of delicate scented colors. We collect the stories of the teacher. Ada Hats confided tales polite, even when invited us to perform the dictation or spelling for the spelling. Exercises never separated from the powerful image. This is, perhaps, that those times are "idyllic" landscapes of the soul, but faded as powerful support in the hopes of today, this time surrounded with cold and silent winter.

I remember right now the history of "snowdrops" . Although I have never seen in reality, he courted her, smiling, cup white blooming on the white blanket that Mary filled the water to quench the thirst of Jesus thaw.

Following brain research of neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti are neurons were identified special the "mirror neurons" responsible for our ability to empathize (Rizzolatti-Sinigallia, I know what you do, Raffaello Cortina ). It was noted, thanks to the technique of brain imaging, that these neurons are activated not only when we live an emotion or action we take, but when we see a more "excited", "feel" or "do" something. In the "nature" are recognized animated, therefore, their willingness to see and hear each other and the inclination to "know" when we are in relationship with others. But nature must be cultivated inside and outside of us. Each of us the other is responsible, then. And with the "other" means not only a human being. The sensitivity, like a flower, to blossom and softened by calls to grace. Everywhere one, our gaze provokes a reaction influenced by the company. It is useless to give any other responsibility for the vulgarity that surrounds us. "I know what you do," seems to tell us all the "things" around us . And they tell us especially the young. The teacher Ada hats in those days long gone, could not have known of "mirror neurons", but, of course, knew that "carry children in the garden" was the best way to teach them kindness. It was a garden of stories, like the snowdrops, announcing the thaw and the blooming of violets. When I look back at that time, I believe in a magical enchanted harmony. Simplicity, kindness and firmness adorn doing and know about those teachers. And young people living the wisdom! Behold, the hope is this: that we become aware that nature, inside and outside of us, requires "treatment" or "culture"!
What snack on the frozen wastelands snowdrops to announce the thaw!

"To do it takes a flower!"


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