Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gpsphone Saphir Cheat Datei

wait ... ... knitting patterns of memories and hopes

But are we really sure that the world the school is unhappy with the Reform and Gelmini tremontiani cuts?
Just a year ago I found myself repeatedly strike against the reorganization (disturbances) of high school curricula. Decembrina at a rally in Rome, with a few hundred "desperate" like me, took off in a melancholy procession to Piazza del Popolo. The square was flooded with sunlight. There I was wandering in solitude, and even a little lost in thought, because had not helped all that way to my battered legs. The amplified megaphones oratory of the rally from the usual heartfelt tones. The words rang false. I looked around, distracted faces, haggard knots of talk. I hurt my left leg. I decided to go back to the station. I did not want to sink into the meter. I forwarded the information by way of the Baboon. Next to me a blonde lady walking at a brisk pace. I asked the shortest way to Termini. "We travel the same road," he said smiling. I held back trying not to limp. The suffering was rewarded by the exchange of mankind between free women and present themselves with a common passion for teaching. We parted with mutual Square Esedra promise to be "interconnected". The lady called Joan and now is one of my Facebook friends. With the event ended an era for the school and in my opinion, also for ways of expressing dissent. Since then I have taken note that you must start from somewhere else.
Many teachers, perhaps too many, but also many intellectuals, professionals, graduates, do not have the combined social advancement through the degree, with profound human and civic culture. This is why I believe that most remained inert in front of blows to the school by the Reform Gelmini - Tremonti, in particular to the humanities. There and then I got angry. I was angry with colleagues circumvented. I voted, colleges, teachers, against the proposed projects because, in my opinion, are processed according to the distribution of funds and not for the education and training of young students. The result? A very lonely! But the fact that pay me back in the net I found many companions on a journey of thought. It satisfies me the feeling of being a woman who has never neglected the task manually.
I feel wonderful "cure" at a time the mind and the hand and heart.
These days I do the sock . What a surprise! two irons, a wire and agility of both hands! But not enough! Is active imaginative mind warmed by the joy of the heart , While the wire becomes prodigiously plot to take shape. Meanwhile flying wires of thought led by the heart. Retrace Lost Plots. Telescoping mesh memory to the rhythm of the ticking of the irons that unravel and weave the ball.
In this time of the memory is still the teacher guiding the storyline Ada. She, the storyteller, first taught me to weave the thread and stitch the plot. The morning of Saturday, in fact, classrooms become laboratories. All the teachers did their utmost to teach school pupils and the wonderful art of hand. They knew that some manual work is associated with the intellectual, for the sheer joy of being human and the good common. Unknowingly then learned that human dignity is in its unity and respect for everything he does man.
- "I knit, therefore I am" -
me is correct. Because while fascinates the colored wire, held the threads of thought and the stories unfold. is the time to reconstruct this mortifying dualism. This is the time to understand that man's education must be integrated and complex. It is not only reconcile the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific culture, (and against the sacrosanct reconstruction was launched Gelmini reform of school curricula), but to eliminate the difference in value that we attach to work, and, prior to meditate on the idea of \u200b\u200bculture and knowledge.
To avoid the decline and regression to barbarism, our society must ask, for all, more knowledge in each subject area, more cultural activities in every field of human art. I say "work" so much as the enjoyment of the exercise "contribute actively" to the growth of good people, good citizens that potential self-interest not to separate from that of the community. The enjoyment and exercise of the "fine arts" are essential human education. Inspiration is a divine gift, the excitement of life itself. Can I have houses, money, treasure chests full of precious power and graduate qualifications, but if I do not have the enthusiasm, it's my life miserable!
I believe that educators need to feel powerful enthusiasm, and be witnesses to an integrated culture of the mind and hand. The expansion of access to the school mainly occurred in the sixties is a value which we must be proud. Thanks to the reforms many children of the proletariat have made the transition class. Back can not and should not be coming back. Today we have to take steps forward. Each of us must engage in a project in which culture gets the maximum value, the only acceptable means the integrated growth of body, mind and heart, so that achieve the goal of justice and the well-being of all people. Therefore it is essential
want at all costs a public school of the highest level. We can not endorse a political project that promotes private schools for the elite class of rulers from the white-collar and impoverishes those public funds dedicated to a mass of forced laborers.
not follow the school project company in which the "customers" are trained according to market demand! We study, and work to imagine a school that educates educated men and free, high of mind and heart, they are masters of themselves and do not despise any work, not to despise or never themselves or their fellows! Men such
cultivate in our hearts the seeds of justice and peace and love always freedom.

keep knitting satisfied. Memory plays
other wires. Other faces of a distant peep. Still, those happy childhood classrooms, the teacher smiles at me Barbagli, sitting at the piano as we head in hand, after having taught "Adeste, fideles, laeti triumphantes ...".
Spin the graceful mistress Amber Gragg, who guided us in his essays on artistic gymnastics and action on stage.
Meanwhile, there she was my teacher of "plots"! Hats
Ada is reading me a story e. .. Suddenly, down the book, I nod, pleased with my knitting.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thick Dark Brown Faeces

The snowdrops and mirror neurons

Have you ever played "if it were a flower?"
is thought to metaphor, picking up a child in the meadows and gardens, from simple to more sophisticated, the quality of a human being. We played together with the comrades of his youth. Me, I represented in violet. The beauty is that the almond is my favorite flower. As a child I made up a dialogue between this flower and a stream on the banks of which was checked.
peeps shy violet long before the riot of spring.
and old and laughs with his little heart of sun through the green heart of dark leaves. In a March
away, I pulled my hand for the great and austere father tenderly, as to accompany me down the slope to the wetlands dell'Ombrone shores in search of violets. In scenarios
beloved of my stories that I had learned along the water courses sprouting in abundance violets.
not told me anything, but it certainly paid off by my dad cheering clapping when I saw the first violets. That day I came home taken by the enchantment of the bouquet which I had composed.

My childhood is a flowery meadow. The memories of that time are forms of delicate scented colors. We collect the stories of the teacher. Ada Hats confided tales polite, even when invited us to perform the dictation or spelling for the spelling. Exercises never separated from the powerful image. This is, perhaps, that those times are "idyllic" landscapes of the soul, but faded as powerful support in the hopes of today, this time surrounded with cold and silent winter.

I remember right now the history of "snowdrops" . Although I have never seen in reality, he courted her, smiling, cup white blooming on the white blanket that Mary filled the water to quench the thirst of Jesus thaw.

Following brain research of neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti are neurons were identified special the "mirror neurons" responsible for our ability to empathize (Rizzolatti-Sinigallia, I know what you do, Raffaello Cortina ). It was noted, thanks to the technique of brain imaging, that these neurons are activated not only when we live an emotion or action we take, but when we see a more "excited", "feel" or "do" something. In the "nature" are recognized animated, therefore, their willingness to see and hear each other and the inclination to "know" when we are in relationship with others. But nature must be cultivated inside and outside of us. Each of us the other is responsible, then. And with the "other" means not only a human being. The sensitivity, like a flower, to blossom and softened by calls to grace. Everywhere one, our gaze provokes a reaction influenced by the company. It is useless to give any other responsibility for the vulgarity that surrounds us. "I know what you do," seems to tell us all the "things" around us . And they tell us especially the young. The teacher Ada hats in those days long gone, could not have known of "mirror neurons", but, of course, knew that "carry children in the garden" was the best way to teach them kindness. It was a garden of stories, like the snowdrops, announcing the thaw and the blooming of violets. When I look back at that time, I believe in a magical enchanted harmony. Simplicity, kindness and firmness adorn doing and know about those teachers. And young people living the wisdom! Behold, the hope is this: that we become aware that nature, inside and outside of us, requires "treatment" or "culture"!
What snack on the frozen wastelands snowdrops to announce the thaw!

"To do it takes a flower!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Safe Leave Fan Running Night

New website STL Fashion: courier fashion

STL Fashion, ex Simoncini transport, remains still the benchmark for all companies that need an exclusive and dedicated transport hanging garments and apparel.

STL Fashion opened its new website which shows all of the logistics and shipping services for the fashion and luxury. STL Fashion is the new brand of international transport ex Simoncini, active since 1967 in the transport of hanging garments and clothing.

Stlfashion.it is a site that differs from most of the websites of international forwarding agents. Graphics are very well cared for, a simple and intuitive user interface and a more philosophical than technical. A site that aims to highlight the added value that STL Fashion offers companies who regularly make the shipment of clothing , the shipment of samples and the transport of hanging garments.

A complete site where you can find all the information about the courier service for fashion, international departures of shipments in the U.S. and shipments to Europe. In addition, discusses the related services imports from China and obtaining the necessary health certification GOST for shipments to Russia.

Also within the site are presented all the services dedicated to the field of fashion and luxury goods such as management of returns, shipments with dedicated vehicles, the service window dressing for stores management of shipments to and from the outlets, logistics and reconditioning of clothing shipments in Germany, France shipments and shipments to Switzerland.

Andrea Paoli - Marketing Consultant for STL Fashion

Category: Shipping, Transportation, Services
Keywords: shipping, transportation, clothing

Wife Breastfeeds Hubby

Auguriiii !!!!! Method

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crysisверсии 5767

Welcome to the newsletter Inpress

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free and free to their news letter .

Click on the link below, you will receive information about books, art exhibitions, theater performances, concerts, events.

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We hope to get something pleasing.


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Yamaha Waverunner Wont Crank

E 'online RicettaTiramisu.it and make the cake becomes easier

A website dedicated to the world's most common dessert: Tiramisu. In addition to the original recipe, many variations more or less known: light recipe from the recipe without eggs or by ricotta or cream.

E 'online RicettaTiramisu.it the first website dedicated to the best known and most popular dessert in the world. The project was to collect in a single website the many recipes for tiramisu created over the years and to provide users with detailed explanations to realize not only the traditional recipe for tiramisu with mascarpone but also the many variations that, thanks to the kindness and the popularity of this cake were created over the years.

analysis on the subject point out that along with the pizza recipe searched on the internet is just a recipe for tiramisu and this shows the great interest aroused this sweet and not from all the catering industry. The site is designed to be clear and simple even for inexperienced users and try to give step-by step very detailed and explicit photos on the various procedures. Other

goal of the site is to give variants of the original recipe for food aimed at solving problems which would be impossible for many enjoy this fantastic dessert. And so we find the recipe for tiramisu for children achieved through a mixture of basic tiramisu pasteurized and prepared without coffee and without liquor. With the same goal here is the recipe of tiramisu without mascarpone, egg-free recipe and light.

Clearly the site you can also find lots of recipes designed for their goodness and then here is the recipe for tiramisu with ricotta, strawberries, yogurt and of course in the first position, the classic recipe for tiramisu.

Andrea Paoli - Web Master Recipe Tiramisu

Category: Recipes, Cooking, Food, Dining, Fine Dining
Keywords: recipes, desserts, tiramisu

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ladies With Pantis Only


colleague and friend Stephen Cera presented at the conference "Mediation and the constructive management of disputes: prospects for effective implementation," in which we were co-rapporteurs, which was held in Rome on Thursday December 16.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Deep Cut In Toe Next To Verruca

The slides of my speech yesterday at the conference "Mediation and the constructive management of disputes: prospects for effective implementation."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mastribation Ideas For Guys

Welcome to the newsletter Inpress

Dear User,
invites you and register, in a totally
free and free to their news letter .

Click on the link below, you will receive information about books, art exhibitions, theater performances, concerts, events.

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We hope to get something pleasing.


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Friday, December 10, 2010

Airopeek Nx 3.0 1 Software

Modica, Saturday, December 18 Giuliana Sgrena says the return to life of the new Iraq

Saturday, December 18 Giuliana Sgrena says the return to life of the new Iraq

18 At the Hotel Principe d'Aragona Modica (RG) the sending of the Manifesto will talk about his latest book, "The Return. Inside the new Iraq", published by Feltrinelli.

Modica (RG) - Saturday, December 18 at 18 in the conference room of the Hotel Principe d'Aragona (Corso Umberto I, No. 281) will host the presentation of the book "The Return , Inside the new Iraq "Giuliana Sgrena, published by Feltrinelli.

The writer and journalist of the" Manifesto "dialogue with the Angel of Christmas RAI journalist and the editor of monthly magazine" The Clandestine "Francesco Ruta .

Speakers Antonio Calabrese, national coordinator of the circle of freedom of Modica Left ecology, and Enzo Cilia, a member of the regional coordination of the Left ecology freedom. The actor Enzo Ruta read excerpts from the book.

In his new book sent to the Manifesto speaks of Iraq today and yesterday.'s been five years since the journalist was kidnapped, held hostage for a month, and eventually released. A story, her, saddened by the tragic death of Sismi agent Nicola Calipari, killed by fire "friend" in an American check-point on the road to the airport, while she was rescued.

Recently, the journalist returned to Iraq, finding a country that wants to return to normal. Some problems have emerged. The attacks are on the agenda. The political class is still immature and corrupt. In Baghdad, the supply of water and electricity is intermittent. Medicines are scarce. Social services are non-existent. The displaced people are over a million and a half. Still, the Iraqis rebuild restaurants. Reopen the venues and museums. There are art shows and political debates. Women gain more autonomy and a new social presence.

The book is a photograph of a people, a country that is slowly starting to live.

The event is organized by the provincial coordination and the circle of freedom Modica Left ecology.

info and contacts

Mob 329 3167786

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tonsilitis And Nursery

time back, but nothing is ever as before!

Time nature returns. It is a spiral where there is the "fabula" human . From birth to death of an individual, beginning at the end of an era, from the decay of a civilization to flourish. The wire spiral is of dense interweaving of many strands of history and stories .

will soon once again Christmas and the birth of a child will coincide with the closing of an annual cycle. As if to mark the continuity of the wire, the beginning in the end. Continuity and contiguity. But it's not equality. continuity, contiguity and metamorphosis unison. Metamorphosis in the born again.
Christmas winter. When the cold weather freezes the ground, which was stripped of her dress with flowers and leaves, it's Christmas. It is a shoot that smiles while the earth is gathered in silence under the snow. It is a budding flower which defies the cold hearts.

It's Christmas in the tumultuous city, Grotte luminescent and noisy. On the streets paved with asphalt or paving stones pass ancient humanity! Between the evaporating wet glare of lights color absorbs the smells of the crowd that swarms anxious. It would be a desire
holographic Christmas wish in a charming grotto, among the shepherds of a lost Arcadia.
Christmas is here, between "homes added to the case", for "the roads that lead into streets "of paesoni and cities. There is the silence in the din and compassion!
You can not escape to somewhere else artificial. L 'elsewhere in the metamorphosis is marked by the emergence, between the year to be concluded and what begins.

This morning I ate the jam prepared for me by a friend known this year thanks to the communication on the Net A special jam which she called "the cornerstone". It's a real composed of various fruits, those that are damaged in our senseless opulence, discarded and used all'immondezzaio. It is a delicious jam. They eat every day until Christmas. It is also a symbol of the fruits jam this year! draws to a close. The most delicious is the friend who gave me the jam.

time necessary to return the greetings with the wishes of metamorphosis. So
transcribe below a note I wrote early last year. These words are hoping fruits of friendship, which I gladly tasted this year. Yes

time back, but nothing is ever as before! It is always better than before, if we want very much!

The stories will save the world

When I was a teenager wrote the diary. I like to remember in silence to commemorate the events of the past day, reviewing the state of mind that I had crossed. Unknowingly I cultivated the habit of introspection and attention to the fact that I was grounded. I dwell on their faces that they had searched, heard, to which I gave or denied the smile, captured the emotions of the meetings. The thickened pages of words that gave body to the experience and expectations. I liked the look better word. In the research holds out in an effort to understand myself and the world around them.
The memory of that my teenage habit was sparked by a radio interview with Duccio Demetrio, which has long been concerned with biographical and autobiographical writing (see Duccio Demetrio, Raccontarsi's autobiography as self-care, Raffaello Cortina 1996).
Lecturer at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Duccio Demetrio in 1998, along with Xavier Tutino, the inventor of the Archives of Pieve Santo Stefano diary, he also founded the Free University of Autobiography of Anghiari, not far from mystical "raw rock" of the Verna.
During the interview I listened to the student, using the meditations that have produced his last work (Duccio Demetrio, Asceticism metropolitan , thanks to the Bridge 2009), responded to questions about the possibility of a "Assisi Underground", ie an exercise in attention to reality in the modern city comparable to an "overcrowded desert."
The argument seemed full of good wishes for the future. I thought so to write the suggestions that I came.

It began the new year. It is a boundary between a year and another decade. You may bear in themselves the stirrings of a new era in which people cease to be those "of the sling and stone, those of the time in which" the brother said the other brother: "Let's go."

Perhaps a clue to this new era can be read in the desire to communicate in the "network" is one example. The same flow of information and the infinite possibilities of contacts shrink from taking any power and entrust the freedom human destiny with the choices of individuals.
Finally the progress of reason could not be separated dall'ingentilirsi of the heart. Born a new breed. All activities of man will abstain, pious, from any violent action will focus on the nature and make life worth living brothers.

then no longer "the branches of willows, to vote" will "hang" the "harps" of poets.
COUNTLESS NEW storytellers will delight our cities, by modulating the stories of a new civilization. New reciters "cuciranno" stories into an epic and endless boundaries.

each individual will be responsible for this "New time", if it becomes a storyteller GENTILE, exploring his heart by learning to know or to recognize himself and to tell, first of all to itself, its history. Of this need to become aware of the narrative is necessary.

But the word that expresses a story embodied in silence born of a 'rise ".
"Ascent" is derived from the greek word "Aske" "I army." L '"asceticism" is that attention to bodily exercise which aims to understand the other, the stranger, the foreigner that each item in itself. The desire to tell
coincides with the need to know in recollection di un'osservazione attenta e pietosa, amorevole ma veritiera.
Coloro che sanno raccontarsi sono in grado di comporre un microcosmo in una storia, rivivendo, nella loro arte, l'infinita gamma dei sentimenti umani. Diventando narratori di se stessi si diventa anche narratori delle vite degli altri, perché la narrazione autentica sgorga dalla COMPASSIONE.

Il silenzio in “ascesi” è esercizio di “compassione”. La “compassione” è un sentimento elevato. È il tratto essenziale dell'essere umano. In fondo ad ogni arte degli uomini esiste la “compassione”, ossia quella capacità di essere in sintonia con la complessità dell'io che riconosce in sé la complessità the world and understands it.
The "compassion" extends his hand to another, and does not exclude anyone.

The "compassion" was the inspiring breath of a great explorer of the human heart, F. Dostoevsky. And he has to collect and submit the final call. I make my own the words of the gentle Alyosha, the youngest of the brothers Karamazov, the novel's epilogue:
"here, let's go hand in hand ...".

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dragon Ball Kamehasutra Stream


San Andreas Merchandise

Trailer 10x10 Luthor

Alprazolam Ip Sleepiing Tablet

Trailer 10x10 Luthor

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Milena Velba Vs Nadine Janssen

I Listen to mediate the Council, then they are listening in mediation

was introduced in Italy in a systematic way only since the 90s, although it is a practice already widespread and well-established in other parts of the world.
In reality, the solution "mediated" conflict is an ancient practice, of which there are traces from the Sumerian civilization.
would then be to say that the propensity of mediation lies in the deeper nature of human beings.
Hence the view that if the reconciliation struggling to be adopted as common practice the reasons for this were rather a cultural mechanisms.
Coming to osmosis from the Anglo-Saxon countries, notoriously pragmatic approach and this method of management, even before a solution of the conflicts has been on a collision course with the mentality that dominates the West.
For centuries, in fact, have breathed a culture of "adversarial," that is founded on being adversaries, on having to choose between one or the other, the need to establish right and wrong by taking positions and reasoning for exclusion .
This, inevitably, has brought our society to seek solutions to disputes in the courts, ie in places where a judge determines, accordance with the law, who is right and who was wrong.
Hence the courts clogged with cases and the resulting time exhausting litigation settlement.
From these findings led to two different considerations: first, the lengthening of time of solution often leads to further problems in economic and emotional terms, parts that already are in some way, affected by the conflict in which found. Secondly, the solutions often are not perceived as such, in the sense that if someone at the end of the process will have "won" the case will inevitably other things, the "lost".

Reconciliation is the real attempt to go beyond the logic dell'avversarietà to promote the alliance, to the friendly and shared. E 'a reversal of the paradigm which first must take place within those who choose to take this path to become the mediator.

The very process of reconciliation requires this paradigm shift, because it is the mediator and its ability to be a positive influence on the outcome of that place.
relational skills of the mediator, in fact, play a role as the approach, to continue the management and resolution of the conflict to end in front of where it is.
Before I be a path to acquire the techniques, the choice to embrace this role involves a personal journey, where it is necessary first to admit and recognize that education and culture in which you are bound to have lived Product prejudices and stereotypes. A good broker is one who comes to look on, and then changing, something that is accustomed to thinking of as absolute. The ideal is to be strong enough not to get attached to our opinions and overcome the fear of the unexpected.

Occorre essere capaci di  accettare, riconoscere pari dignità alle persone rinunciando alle presunte certezze e verità assolute in favore della relazione.
Pur rimanendo “equidistante” - o meglio “equivicino” - ai suoi interlocutori, il conciliatore sa accoglierli così come sono, ascoltarli e capire il loro mondo, comprendere il loro punto di vista non filtrandolo attraverso il suo.

Questo atteggiamento di apertura è base e fondamento di tutto il processo e su di esso si baseranno la fiducia che saprà conquistarsi e l’autorevolezza con cui guiderà stakeholders along the road that will lead them to find a satisfactory agreement and shared.
this opening will be based on the choices you make along the way, how will gather the information they need to pick up the broken threads of dysfunctional communication between speakers, each time choosing the most appropriate .
E 'on this type of arrangement of' be that unravels the do in the management of conflict, from the initial handshake of the parties with the conciliator in the final one between the interlocutors them.

A. Bruni - Reconciling agrees - Publisher Maggs - 2007
P. De Sario - Profession facilitator - Franco Angeli - 2005
Harris, T. - I'm OK - You're OK - BUR 1987

Monday, November 15, 2010

• Alt Sign

listening, in a mediation, you need to have two huge advantages: to collect valuable data, and give importance to the party (in exchange , as a natural consequence). Listening is
very different from "feeling.
E 'is also very far from "answer", far from "replicate".
The opposite of "discussion."

The request for hearing is inherent to every human being is anyone who needs recognition, ie be recognized by others in their own identity, in the self and its needs and difficulties ( usually real, sometimes alleged ...) and aspirations.

A mediator capable of listening can a conoscere meglio l'altro e, quindi, a tenere meglio sotto controllo la componente emotiva del rapporto che, non potendo essere eliminata del tutto, va gestita in modo efficace.
L’arte di ascoltare può essere imparata. La strada verso la padronanza di quest'arte passa attraverso l'ascolto attivo, cioè un modo di ascoltare che non si limita a recepire, ma che "prende l'iniziativa" per stimolare e gratificare la controparte, e in tal modo testimoniarle riconoscimento. Per offrire questa testimonianza nel miglior modo possibile bisogna sforzarsi di non giudicare. Si accetta l'altro com'è, semplicemente lo si ascolta, e anzi gli si dimostra che si va oltre l'ascolto, si punta alla comprensione. Le techniques to achieve this are varied and articulated, albeit essentially simple and easily mastered.

Active listening allows to achieve several important goals for the final outcome of a mediation:
  1. helps solve the problems of others by giving them the opportunity to discuss and clarify Thus, their thinking;
  2. reduces the tension and give the other the opportunity to vent, releasing the atmosphere of tension and hostility;
  3. facilitates collaboration by those who, feeling welcomed and accepted, it stops at all costs to defend his point of view;
  4. promotes communication often fails because one party has stopped listening;
  5. develops an active mind in the constant search for what under the topic mail to the cognitive level;
  6. can enhance the concept of self and who purchase an equal partner, siblings and equal value.

Active listening means
1. suspend judgments, not to define the other person or what he says. We just follow his thoughts, listen to understand and not to judge;
2. observe and listen, gathering all necessary information on current status;
3. put yourself in someone else's shoes, trying to take the point of view of his partner and sharing the feelings that manifest
4. checking understanding, asking questions, paraphrasing, clarifying, summarizing what we have understood or concrete aspects of what the speaker has said.

''The Seven Rules of how to listen''to Marianella Sclavi:
  1. not in a hurry to reach some conclusions. The conclusions are the most ephemeral of research.
  2. What you see depends on your point of view. To be able to see your point of view, you must change the point of view.
  3. If you want to understand what another is saying, you must assume that he is right and ask them to help you see things and events from his perspective.
  4. Emotions are the fundamental tools of knowledge if you can understand their language. Do not inform you about what you see, but how look.
  5. A good listener is an explorer of possible worlds. The most important signals for him are those that present themselves to consciousness as a minor and annoying at the same time, marginal and irritating, because inconsistent with their own certainties.
  6. A good listener willingly accept the paradoxes of thought and interpersonal communication. Face the disagreements as opportunities to practice in a field that passion: the creative management of conflicts.
  7. To become skilled in the art of listening you have to take a humorous approach. But when you learn to listen, the humor comes from their own.
And finally a tour of the bad habits (and bad education) to recognize at a glance for those who do not listen:

1. interrupt
2. jump to conclusions
3. finish the sentence while the other is still talking
4. They change the subject frequently
5. not pay attention to body language
   6. non rispondono a ciò che gli si dice
   7. non fanno domande e non danno un feedback
   8. cercano di convincervi con la logica
   9. svalorizzano
  10. interpretano
  11. consolano
  12. danno ordini
  13. mettono in guardia
  14. fanno la predica.

Burley-Allen M. - Learning to listen - Franco Angeli 2003
J. Liss - The deep'ascolto - La Meridiana 2004
R. Fisher S. Brown - We find an agreement Corbaccio 2008

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gloria Guidi Steaming

10×08 Abandoned SUB ITA

10×08 Abandoned -  Download

Bikini Wax On Obese Women

10x08 Abbandoned in inglese


Actress In Harold And Kumars Bottemless Party

Trailer 10x09 Patriot

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Inguinal Hernia Pain Killer

10x07 Ambus SUB ITA

Smallville 10x07 Megavideo - Megaupload - Depositfiles - FileServe

Hemroids And Having A Brazilian Waxing

Trailer 10x08 Abbandoned

Can Gerard Way Speak Italian

10x07 Ambush in inglese


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Worse Breast Tenderness In Implantation Or Period

Trailer canadese 10x07 Ambush

Tanning Before After Brow Threading

Clip 10x07 Ambush

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is Cream Of Tartar Rffevtive For Weightloss

"I feed on that food solum is mine and that I was born for" the Land of the free

"That evening, I return home and enter my study; et up the door I take off the garment, the Mayan, muddy lotus et et et I wear real clothes curial ; et coated condecentemente enter the ancient courts of ancient men, where they lovingly received, I feed on that food solum is mine and that I was born for, where I am not ashamed to speak with them, et ask them the reason of their action : and they in their humanità answer me: and I feel for four hours to any trouble, sdimenticho every trouble, I do not fear poverty, death does not dismay me: I done all their transfers. " With this image

Machiavelli, writing to his friend Francesco Vettori, 10 December 1513, concludes the story of an exile in his day on the farm dell'Albergaccio at Sant'Andrea in Percussina, a town between Florence and San Casciano in Val di Pesa. When I was a high school student was struck by the expressive power of this step, which Mario Selleri, the teacher who, in those fertile years, I drove along the paths of poetry, read it and said in a voice vibrant and bright eyes. In the passage, Nicholas rises and turns. Strides in its library to the solemn beat of a syntax that supports the surge of the heart. It is sacred statuary and while wearing "real clothes and courtly." It stands out in that austere and very human need for love that the "ancient men" to provide with food of the word, which feeds the man living memory and makes it a "mediation living." I wonder if we still capable of such a boost! No, not an upward momentum in the illusion of an unlikely ecstasy. But a long trail that slides in the center of themselves, where the word alive the memory of pure humanity. There is layered man's voice that echoes of eternal truth. It is the ἀλήθεια undisclosed, hidden, but visible in the moment of rediscovery. is the time for dialogue that intimacy is established between 'man and the living memory of the written word, through a living text.

In step I transcribed the metaphor of the book we read living which is engraved the letters of fire of millennial studies. It is the memory that is nutritious human hunger for truth.

More than ever, today we feel the need to "feed" of the words of ancient men "that awaken our humanity!

In dialogue with the "big diggers" perhaps we can say, "sdimenticho every trouble, I do not fear poverty, death does not dismay me."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How Would A Scorpio Man Act If He Likes Someone

10x06 Harvest ENG e SUB ITA


Streaming -  Download   - Duckload - Depositfiles - Filesonic

Capitalize Physical Therapy

Trailer 10x07 Ambush

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do People Always Wear Jeans Ice Skating?

Clip 10x06 Harvest

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cute Dress For Pettite

10x05 Isis SUB ITA

Smallville 10x05  Megavideo - Megaupload - Depositfiles  - FileServe

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pink Mucus Instead Of Period

10x05 Isis in inglese


A Seafarers Medical Certificate Eng 1

Trailer 10x06 Harvest

Legalizing The Sale Of Human Organs Pros And Cons

Descrizione ufficiale 10x08 Abbandoned

Teri Hatcher APPEARS AS GUEST STAR IN CLOTH OF ELLA LANE; DC COMICS CHARACTERS OF GRANNY Goodness (CHRISTINE Willes) and Harriet (GUEST STAR LINDSAY HARTLEY) APPEAR - Lois is a video shot for her by her mother, Ella Lane (Hatcher), before his death. After seeing him, Lois takes a drastic decision as to her relationship with Clark that the door to the Fortress, where he comes face to face with Jor-El and Lara. Meanwhile, Tess has a nightmare about her as a child and a carillon. After waking up, is the carillon in the castle of Luthor and aims to find out who put him there. Clark accompanies an orphanage run by Granny Goodness (guest star Christine Willes) who may not have the best intentions in mind for girls. One of the young girls who live there, Harriet (guest star Hartley), Clark discovers that curious around and decides to take the matter into his hands very sharp.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Help With Foot Problems In The Military

Clip 10x05 Isis

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Prevent Bed Wetting When Drunk

10x04 Homecoming SUB ITA e in INGLESE (Streaming e Download)

Smallville 10x04 Megavideo - Megaupload - Depositfiles -Duckload( video - file )- FileServe
Megavideo - Megaupload

Vicky Morales Pubic Hair

Trailer 10x05 Isis

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Full

Clip 10x04 Homecoming

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cs3 Insert Master Disc Cs3

10x03 Supergirl SUB ITA (Streaming e Download)

Smallville 10x03 Megavideo - Megaupload - Depositfiles -Duckload( video - file ) - Hotfile

Fire Red Vba Saving Problems

2 Trailer 10x04 Homecoming

No Marks Whiteness Cream

10x03 Supergirl English (streaming and download)